A preview of current and upcoming touring science exhibitions across Europe and the world. This fast-paced session will give you a glimpse of a large range of exhibitions on offer, leaving it up to you to make contacts and find out more.
Your opportunity to engage in conversation with particle physicist James Beacham after hearing his keynote in the previous time slot.
Do European science exhibitions reflect the rich diversity of the cultures that have contributed to science? How is science communicated in other cultures? Professionals from Europe and the Middle East will discuss how to make science relevant to...
This session offers in-depth case study analysis by experienced profesionnals from museums, private companies and transport/logistics experts around concrete questions about international travelling exhibitions.
How set up a sales team?...
Dealing with several entities, tiptoeing around politicians and taking into account sponsors' ideas while staying true to your science communication calling can be a challenge.
Sometimes we have to adapt to sponsors' and governments' ideas...
Can a game make you choose healthier food or make you avoid air pollution? Let’s discuss how serious games can be serious game changers and explore how they can change not only what people know, but what they think and how they behave.
Step one: we have an idea.
Step two : we design a project that could be an exhibition, a science festival or dissemination programme.
Step three: struggling to it, we look for sponsorship.
What if the reverse happens: a...
The Natural History Museum of Geneva is pleased to invite those participants who will be around on Tuesday 5 June to an exhibition opening at the History of Science Museum, the second museum venue it is running, located on the banks of Lake...
Using the terms and tools of magic, metaphysics, superstition, alternative truth, healing, miracles in science communication can spur our audience's imagination and make them wonder what it is they have just seen and how it happened. Surprising...
What is the future of science centre exhibitions? Do we need to stick to scientific phenomena, or focus on high tech and current science? Do we concentrate on objects or interaction? Or are physical exhibitions becoming obsolete in the digital...
Tear apart some old boxes and bring your ideas to life. In this session, we will be experimenting with the amazing material cardboard and create pathways for marbles to travel down. We will reflect on the value of building marble runs and think...
In this session we present four practical examples of activities and tools connecting formal and informal education on different levels. Case studies include a national programme connecting science centres and school, a science club run in...