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Experience design in practice

Interactivity has always been part of the science centre's DNA and is now common in many types of museums. However, it doesn't necessarily take into consideration visitors' emotional journey. The concept of experience design recently started to gain prominence in the museum field. It privileges emotions and focuses on the quality, enjoyment, relevance and transformative power of the visitor experience.

In this full-day workshop held at the Natural History Museum of Geneva, we will cover the principles of experience design while participants, following well-defined methodologies, create experiences in situ.

Experts will share best practices and participants will take part in discussion groups on human centred design, design for emotions, designing accessible experiences, creating narratives, etc…

A detailed programme can be found here.

Careful, exception: this pre-conference workshop is taking place at the Natural History Museum of Geneva and not at the CICG convention centre like other workshops. Participants will receive joining instructions in due course.


Leonel Alegre
Project manager
University of Évora

Session speakers

A space is built from materials, but it is made of people. In this talk Roberta will present space as an inducer of behaviours, emotions and narratives.
Ines Montalvao
Program Director
Artists with Evidence
Who are we designing for/with? In this talk we will approach the concept of co-creation and the creative power of “doing together”. Ines will focus on memorable, meaningful, transformative experiences and their impact on visitors. This topic will also be developed by introducing different visitor´s motivation categories and how to attract them.
Exhibitions and Interpretation Manager
This talk will provide an overview of the Natural History Museum’s Human Evolution Gallery which opened in 2015. Focusing on the impact of visitor research on the design the gallery it will answer the following key questions: What did visitors want to know about this topic? How did they react to the new gallery? What were their highlights and why? Did it succeed in changing the way visitors view early humans?
Exhibition designer
Alisson will focus her presentation on inclusion and physical, intelectual and social accessibility. She will also discuss experience co-design with the audiences.
Herve Groscarret
Head Public engagement and Exhibition
Hervé will present examples of gamification of visitor’s experience in the Natural History Museum of Geneva. He will also launch a challenge to the group to design a new experience based on the collection of the museum.
