fbpx New book available for free download - “Behind the Exhibit: Displaying Science and Technology at World’s Fairs and Museums in the Twentieth Century” | Ecsite

New book available for free download - “Behind the Exhibit: Displaying Science and Technology at World’s Fairs and Museums in the Twentieth Century”

Book Cover - Behind the Exhibit: Displaying Science and Technology at World's Fairs and Museums in the Twentieth Century

We just published “Behind the Exhibit: Displaying Science and Technology at World’s Fairs and Museums in the Twentieth Century”, a book that examines scientific heritage and narratives in national and international exhibitions and science museums in the twentieth century.

Based on the proceedings of the ARTEFACTS conference organized at the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci during Expo Milan 2015, the volume brings together museum curators and historians of science and technology to present case studies from the US, Europe, Russia and Japan. The book explores the origins of science museums in the tension between science and technology, heritage and politics, diverse display languages, and it brings us back to the issues that science and technology museums are facing today.

We hope you will enjoy reading this work.

Please note that the volume is available for free download on:

- Smithsonian’s open access platform
- Museum website


  • Museology
  • publication
  • history
  • museums
  • artefacts
  • shot


Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia 'Leonardo da Vinci'

The National Museum of Science and Technology ‘Leonardo da Vinci’ is founded 50 years ago with the mission to educate in science and technology. It consists of a very large collection of objects distributed in different sections devoted to earth, water and air transport, energy, telecommunications, metalurgy, models of Leonardo da Vinci’s projects etc.