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Blended learning in science education

​Commitment: 21st century skills

“We need to replace old education standards with an educational framework that combines knowledge with the 21st century skills of creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration.”

World Economic Forum, 13 August 2020

We’ll share details of an inspiring co-creation journey made by Ecsite members and peers to explore the possible future of informal science education in a blended environment. During the Workroom, we explored the different blends of technology, modes of delivery and pedagogies to tailor educational provisions to the needs, wishes and demands of users. In this session we’ll share our experience with using a visitor-centred approach and focus on the possibilities blended learning offers in the field of data collection, process interventions and validation of the outcome. Together we’d like to discuss our experiences, take outs, lessons learned, results and ask critical questions.


Head of program and co-operations

Session speakers

Senior staff of Education & Public Engagement
Cecilia presents her vision and ideas on a blended learning based on her own experience in her daily work at Tom Tits Experiment were she developed educational material with the use of augmented reality. Cecilia reflects on the three Workroom sessions from het own experience and vision.
Sigurd developed different educational projects in which digital and physical activities blended into an exiting educational approach. At the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology he combined 3D printing, on line video's and streaming technology to create an blended environment for education. From his expertise he was involved in the Ecsite Workrooms about blended learning and will share with us his findings and conclusions.
Torhild Skåtun
Museum Educator PhD reseacher
Also at the Norwegian Museum for Science and Technology Torhild was involved in a project around co-creation and co-design. A group of museum professionals worked together with young people to co-design a museum activity. In this project the focus was on the meeting between museum and youth in a creative development process of a digital installation. From the co-creation and co-design viewpoint the Workrooms were an ideal environment to explore the co creation process in an online workspace.
image of Giasemi Vavoula
Associate Professor
University of Leicester
United Kingdom
Hands-on and Minds-on is part of the core value of a Science Center. One of the goals Science - MINQ research project is to design and develop the Inquirer app, which guides young science centre visitors to construct their own rapid inquiries and carry them out during their visit. Giasemie and Stamatina are specially interested in exploring if we can translate our inquiry-led approach to support blended experiences without on-site physicaI interactions?
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow
University of Leicester
United Kingdom
See above
