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News & Publication by ERC=Science²

News 9 May 2018

Science Centre AHHAA organises a series of activities launching the latest ERC=Science2 theme on music.

News 10 April 2018

Science Centre AHHAA introduces the latest ERC=Science2 theme to its Estonian audience.

News 13 March 2018

On 9-10 March, Pavilion of Knowledge organises its second ERC=Science² event and presents the cutting-edge research on the senses.

News 1 December 2017

Parque de las Ciencias presents the ERC=Science² senses theme during the European Science Week.

News 22 November 2017

The new installment of the ERC=Science² campaign on Senses is out: How does a hand feel?

News 6 November 2017

Smelly-vision, the 2nd instalment of the ERC=Science2 Senses campaign is out.

News 18 October 2017

Techmania Science Center organises ERC=Science2 activities on senses and brings the vision and smell tests to Pilsen, Czech Republic.

News 11 October 2017

The Association ScienceCenter-Network shares scientific research on life expectancy and introduces the latest ERC=Science2 theme in Vienna.

News 11 October 2017

ERC=Science2 campaign launches its latest theme: Senses! It is time to discover how researchers are imagining new ways to perceive the world.

News 10 July 2017

The ERC = Science2 campaign brought ERC-funded frontier research on longevity closer to the Polish public through a weekend of interactive public engagement activities.


Digital Spokes magazine

Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.

Spokes magazine #33, May 2024

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