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Goulandris Natural History Museum, Climate Change and Us

Evaluation session #31 - Μουσείο Γουλανδρή Φυσικής Ιστορίας / Goulandris Museum of Natural History

In April 2019 we were entrusted with the conceptual re-design of the museum‘s GAIA exhibition. This contract was followed by the order to design and build the this new gallery, now renamed ΚΛΙΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΑΛΛΑΓΗ ΚΑΙ ΕΜΕΙΣ (lit. Climate Change and Us). The exhibition displays 19 interactives covering several themes related to climate change on both a global and a personal scale. The topics are Consum and Waste, Energy Consumption, Transport, Food Production, Water Use, and Living. Climate Change and Us was officially opened in April 2022.

all pictures on this page © Goulandris Natural History Museum
