fbpx 30th National Congress of AMCSTI: Science and humour | Ecsite

30th National Congress of AMCSTI: Science and humour

AMCSTI (association of museums and centres for the development of scientific, technical and industrial culture) hosts its thirtieth National Congress at the Natural History Museum in Toulouse, France, with the support of Science Animation Midi-Pyrénées and the Natural History Museum of Toulouse. The congres theme is “science and humour”. Different experts will talk about their experiences and perspectives and conclusions about this thematic. Join us for workshops, meetings of different AMCSTI clubs, an annual and general assembly, visits to scientific and cultural locations in the area, and the launch of the new AMCSTI website. Find out more on the congres website: www.amcsti.fr/actions/le_congres



Amcsti: the French national network of science centres and museums

Amcsti (association of museums and centres for the development of scientific, technical and industrial culture) brings together around 250 scientific, technical and industrial culture organisations. It is also the key international network in France.