Innovation Centre Mill of Knowledge is located in Toruń, Poland. It is going to be a cultural and educational institution of a new type, a place to discover the world through fun and experience. The offer of the institution will be addressed to all kinds of recipients, regardless of their age or education level, however the condition of enjoying it will be an active participation of the visitors, for the mission of the institution is to rouse creativity and inspire to explore independently.
The programme of the Centre will contain exhibitions, popular scientific shows, laboratory classes, lectures, conferences and mass events. For the needs of the institution one of the buildings of Toruń old mills has adapted. The exposition space will be centered around the 33 meters long Foucault’s Pendulum.
Final permanent exposition will be composed of more than hundred interactive stands organized in 4 main thematic sections presenting circular motion, river, energy and ideas; as well as 3 smaller playing grounds addressed to children: journeys, everydayness, and light and shape. It is also planned to organize specialized laboratories: chemical, physical, biological and IT as well as a multimedia studio.
Innovation Centre Mill of Knowledge has the status of a cultural institution that was established by the City of Toruń. The adaptation of post-industrial building of the mill was financed by the European Regional Development Fund in the frame of Kujawsko-Pomorskie Regional Operational Programme for the years 2007-2013.