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Discovery Museum

Discovery Museum is a combination of former museums Columbus, Cube and Continium and is the largest museum for science and technology in the south of The Netherlands. With an extensive collection of industrial heritage and a vast amount of hands on exhibits Discovery Museum combines the best of a museum and a science center. Visitors can discover how science and technology affect their day to day life, not only in the present time, but also in the past and the future. They can travel through time, experiment with science and build their own technical gadgets. Discovery Museum regularly presents a new temporary exhibition with a current topic. Besides science and technology Discovery Museum also focuses on the Earth, sustainability and design.

With a wide variety of activities, from exhibition to an world unique immersive film experience, Discovery Museum wants to stimulate the participation of her visitors in creating a sustainable future. We want to open dialogue with our visitors on how people make sense of the world using science.

Discovery Museum is a non-profit organisation funded by the Province of Limburg and is one of the three official provincial museums. Next to the funding by the regional government Discovery Museum receives funding by admission, sponsorships and other forms of support.


12 November 2010 - 12 February 2011

Touring exhibitions