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News & magazine

Stay in touch with the latest developments in European science engagement... Ecsite offers ongoing news on this website, as well as a monthly newsletter

News & Publication by The Space Group

News 21 April 2021

This survey is conducted with the support of the European Space Agency; co-chair of the Ecsite Space Group. Thanks for submitting your contribution.

Calls 8 October 2020

Ecsite Space Group organises the Space Talk online series between 27th November and 2nd December 2020. If you have implemented an interesting space-related project and would like to share it with the peers, register through this form by 1st November.

More details about the event you will find here.

We look forward to hear from you!

Follow the European Space Agency @esa and #ecsitespace!

News 8 October 2020

Due to current circumstances linked to the COVID19 pandemic all over the world the Ecsite Space Group comes back with its activities in an adapted format to stay connected and reach out to even greater audience of space enthusiasts.

We would like to invite you for the online meet-ups via the ZOOM platform. Space Talks online series are spread over 3 days:

Virtual coffee (27th November at 14:30-16:00)

Other 27 November 2020 - 2 December 2020

Due to current circumstances linked to the COVID19 pandemic all over the world the Ecsite Space Group comes back with its activities in an adapted format to stay connected and reach out to even greater audience of space enthusiasts.

We would like to invite you for the online meet-ups via the ZOOM platform. Space Talks online series are spread over 3 days:

News 28 February 2020
Participants to the Ecsite Space Group Annual Meeting visit the Phi Experience.

On 27-28 January 2020, ESA/ESRIN welcomed 46 participants representing science engagement organisations from 11 different countries, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. They gathered in Frascati, Rome for the two-day Annual Meeting of the Ecsite Space Group.

Highlights of the first day of the workshop included keynote addresses on ESA's next missions and milestones, and communication strategy and planning. Participants also visited the interactive Phi experience and discussed Earth Observation in the context of the climate change crisis.

Workshop 27 January 2020 - 28 January 2020
Armillary sphere in ESRIN. Copyright ESA-S. Corvaja

The Ecsite Space Group invites you to join its Annual Meeting hosted by ESRIN, ESA’s Centre for Earth Observation in Frascati, Rome (Italy), on 27-28 January 2020. Expect to go behind the scenes at the Earth Observation multimedia centre, and to network and exchange with peers from all over Europe.

News 5 September 2019
Ecsite Space Group pre-conference workshop, 5 June 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark

Couldn’t join us in Copenhagen for the 2019 edition of the Ecsite Annual Conference? Catch up with the Ecsite Space Group’s activities with these two reports.

News 11 February 2019
Participants at the Ecsite Space Group Annual Meeting 2018

This report from the Ecsite Space Group's Annual Meeting brings you news about the latest developments in the field, new resources and more.

Workshop 30 January 2019 - 31 January 2019
Columbus Earth Center, Kerkrade, Netherlands

The Ecsite Space Group cordially invites all interested participants to join the Space Group Annual Meeting hosted by the Columbus Earth Center in Kerkrade, the Netherlands, on 30-31 January 2019. Participants can expect two days of energising exchanges, networking and building partnerships.

News 28 September 2018
Participants to the Ecsite Space Group pre-conference workshop visit the Observatory at Sauverny, Department of Astronomy, University of Geneva. Copyright Sylviane Blum CSH University of Bern

A handy summary of space-related sessions at the Ecsite Annual Conference 2018, courtesy of the Ecsite Space Group


Digital Spokes magazine

Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.

Spokes magazine #40, January 2025

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