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News & Publication by VOICES

News 20 November 2014

EU Commissioner Carlos Moedas gave a speech at the Sis-RRI conference in Rome yesterday evening, in which he mentioned at length the Ecsite-led VOICES citizen consultation. He tweeted a picture with Ecsite Executive Director Catherine Franche and Pr. Jacqueline Broerse from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, stating: "glad to have met representatives from the VOICES project tonight".

News 27 October 2014
A focus group during the VOICES project

'The Future of Europe is Science' video was recently released by the European Commission. Aimed at the general public, it outlines a vision for science and society in 2030. Ecsite-led citizen consultation VOICES is given as an example of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). Public engagement is also mentioned as an important building block for the future.

News 14 November 2013

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM – European citizens are directly influencing the European Union research agenda for the first time through a ground-breaking consultation series financed by the European Commission and conducted by science centres and museums in 27 EU member states.

News 14 November 2013

A new Eurobarometer survey launched today (http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-13-1075_en.htm and http://ec.europa.eu/public_opinion/archives/eb_special_419_400_en.htm#401) shows public support for the European Commission’s latest strategy to engage the public in science, known as responsible research and innovation (RRI). The survey comes on the day Ecsite launches the outcomes of the VOICES project, a year-long, Europe-wide citizen consultation exploring the concept of waste as a resource.

News 14 November 2013

The greatly-anticipated final outcomes are launched today for VOICES (www.voicesforinnovation.eu), Ecsite’s collaboration with the European Commission which demonstrates science centres and museums’ key role in Responsible Research and Innovation.

News 6 November 2013

After 300 hours of consultation in science centres and museums across 27 EU countries, the groundbreaking VOICES project is preparing to release its final reports. Six science centres are hosting events across Europe to give people a look at the outcomes of this European project in a local and national context.

Other 16 November 2013 - 17 November 2013

In Spain, VOICES focus groups highlighted what needs to change for a zero waste society, in terms of citizenship, policy, and research and innovation. The VOICES public event in Granada builds on these outcomes, with a Maker Faire, debates, workshops, pavilions and a range of exhibitions, bringing together the public, schools, research centres, politicians, universities, artists and craftsman to see how we can truly make the most of urban waste as innovation.

Other 23 November 2013

VOICES outcomes will be disseminated in Lisbon as a key part of Portugal’s National Science and Technology Week, directly after the Ecsite Directors’ Forum which brings together science centre and museum directors from across Europe. The public event combines three distinct elements: an exhibition, a Maker Faire and a conference.

Other 22 November 2013 - 23 November 2013

CCSTI Grenoble will organize a VOICES public event as part of the European Week for Waste Reduction. The VOICES consultation showed French citizens are particularly concerned about product lifespan. To look more closely at this issue, a week of repair and reuse activities will be held in different local associations: concrete workshops or demonstrations about how to repair, reuse collect and sell waste objects. Open door events and workshops will give concrete examples of how Grenoble can deal with its urban waste, innovating in order to make waste a resource.

Other 22 November 2013

Wasteologies! Come and join the House of Experiments, the Slovenian “hands-on” Science Centre, in Gimnazija Ledina secondary school and on the streets of beautiful Ljubljana city centre, to get involved in the dissemination of the VOICES outcomes and look at ways urban waste can be used as a resource in Slovenia.


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Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.

Spokes magazine #38, November 2024

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