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Annual Conference sessions

The first Ecsite Conference took place in 1989. Here you can browse all Conference sessions since 2010. Use the search engine to look for people, topics...

Looking for an older session? Our digital records start in 2007, with programme pdfs attached to each conference page

Science ♥ society
Ortwin Renn

Ortwin Renn, Professor and Chair of Environmental Sociology and Technology Assessment at Stuttgart University, gave a speech entitled "Why do people fear what they fear? The psychology of risk".

Risk perceptions have a reality of their own...

When science moves, things are different. The projects displayed here share common goals: making science more popular, reaching the audience in its own environment. But travelling science is specific: you have to be creative because of the...

Human Resources

What does it take to have volunteers in your science centre? There is no single optimal model of cooperation. Some science centres rely strongly on volunteers while others prefer full-time staff. Some accept them, but only as backstage people,...

Science & Arts

Art has long been a part of science centres but it can be argued that much of this art is “safe” i.e. not critical of science or how it is done. Would a science centre risk showing art encouraging visitors to question who researches what, to...

Research, theory & evaluation

This session will explore tensions in public engagement with science and technology (PEST) by reflecting on the concepts and practical dimensions of public engagement in research and practice. We will examine these tensions through a combination...


We think science busking at its best is a non-judgmental and wholly open invitation to play and investigate the world around us. We also believe science busking can be a devastatingly effective and adaptable means of communicating with people....

Museums and universities are both learning institutions working for education, for the professional development of educationalists, carrying out research. Cooperation between them gives added value to the field. However, the relationship is not...
Operations & finance

Emerging countries are now buying brands, expertise and activities from Western cultural institutions to enrich their urban development plans. For European museums, these international projects represent opportunities to build cultural diplomacy...

Science ♥ society
Jacqueline McGlade

Jacqueline McGlade is the Executive Director of the European Environment Agency since 2003. She has worked extensively in North America, Asia and Africa; she has published more than 100 research papers, written popular articles, presented and...


Networked media are bringing large-scale changes to the collecting, storing and delivering of information. The main trends do not so much reverse as complement and reposition the older ways and functions of the museum. The future of science...

Networking & Partnerships

Do you have a burning issue you want to discuss at the conference but you were not given the timeslot to do so? Do you feel there is an unanswered question in this programme for which you happen to have the answer? If so, this UnSession is for...


The “green wave” promoted by President Obama, and the increasing public attention to environmental problems, find in science museums and science centres the natural places for public debate and the development of informal educational projects...
