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Annual Conference sessions

The first Ecsite Conference took place in 1989. Here you can browse all Conference sessions since 2010. Use the search engine to look for people, topics...

Looking for an older session? Our digital records start in 2007, with programme pdfs attached to each conference page

Networking & Partnerships

Do you have a burning issue you want to discuss at the conference but you were not given the timeslot to do so? Do you feel there is an unanswered question in this programme for which you happen to have the answer? If so, this UnSession is for...


Networked media are bringing large-scale changes to the collecting, storing and delivering of information. The main trends do not so much reverse as complement and reposition the older ways and functions of the museum. The future of science...


The “green wave” promoted by President Obama, and the increasing public attention to environmental problems, find in science museums and science centres the natural places for public debate and the development of informal educational projects...

Networking & Partnerships

Through presentation and analysis of many activities implemented for the International Year of Biodiversity (IYB), the session will deliver an overview of best practices in communicating biodiversity issues to the public and will provide a basis...


Different audiences visit science centres and science festivals, but prisoners are a category of people who have difficulties to approach science, because of the impossibility to visit museums and exhibitions. A lot has been said about the...

Exhibit development

Participants will create an exhibition to display at the conference to demonstrate Fast Prototype learning. Participants will learn science and technology content and the process of Fast Prototyping. “Without a Parachute!” will show how museums...

This poster session will focus on the use of dialogue and of enquiry-based activities in science centres and museums. Several science centres and science museums will present posters with practical examples, thus providing an overview of such...


It is now 10 years since a number of science centres were set up in the UK and elsewhere in Europe to celebrate the new millennium. Their arrival was controversial and was not greeted with enthusiasm by many existing centres. The newcomers had...


Teachers are some of the most important people in attracting young visitors in large quantities to a science centre. If teachers are convinced of the value of your science centre, they become ambassadors by booking your programmes and taking...

Networking & Partnerships

When looking into the future, there is always the temptation of asking the more experienced for insights and advice. This session, however, will try to convey the boldness and daring of the younger ones, collecting their ideas, foresights and...

Research, theory & evaluation

In this interactive poster session, we will show several good practice examples of how teaching laboratories can be setup and run in a science centre environment. We will focus on budget issues, staff requirements, choice of topics for workshops...

Exhibit development

In general: What is the difference between the popularization of human sciences and hard science? How do you show human science in an interactive way? What are the subjects in human sciences which are unexplored by exhibit designers?In detail:...
