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The Ecsite Team

Executive Director
Catherine Franche
Executive Director
I am the Executive Director of Ecsite. Under my leadership, the Ecsite Conference has grown to become the largest science engagement event in Europe and Ecsite has firmly established itself as a trend setting platform and as a key stakeholder on the European stage. Before I joined Ecsite in 2006, I was working for the Office de Coopération et d’Information Muséographiques (OCIM, France) as a Training coordinator. From 1992 to 1994, I was Professional development coordinator and then Executive director of the Société des Musées Québécois. I have also worked in architecture and art museums in Canada and managed cultural events such as jazz festivals. I hold an MBA in cultural management from HEC Montréal (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales).
Greta Alliaj
Project Manager
I’m Greta and I joined Ecsite’s team in May 2022 as an Associate Project Manager. Prior to that I gained professional experience in EU project management and communication at the European Parliament in Strasbourg and in several NGOs in Brussels. I hold a BA in Intercultural and Linguistic Mediation and a MA in Conference Interpreting from the University of Bologna and an advanced MA in European Interdisciplinary Studies from the College of Europe in Natolin.
Maxine Boi
Communications Assistant
Clara Boissenin
Project manager
As Project Manager at Ecsite, I coordinate our contribution to various EU-funded projects, working alongside several Ecsite members. In particular, I am involved in the SocKETs and GlobalSCAPE projects. Prior to joining Ecsite in October 2022, I developed skills in stakeholder & citizen engagement as well as moderation and communication by working on various Horizon 2020 projects around topics including circular economy, rural & urban development, critical raw materials, bioeconomy, biodiversity restoration... I also provided my expertise to multiple EU institutions, supporting their engagement activities.
Florence Boivin
HR & Finance Manager
I joined the Administration team at Ecsite this summer 2021, and I am currently HR and Administration Manager. I have extensive experience in these areas and in Finance, thanks to various collaboration with Brussels-based companies and International associations in sectors ranging from environment, science to health and human rights. In my spare time, I organise guided tours around architecture, and I also enjoy hiking.
Stephanos Cherouvis
Senior Project Manager
I have a PhD in Philosophy of Science and a long interest and experience in smart practices, in supporting teachers, researchers and policy makers to become change agents and in community building in education across Europe, mostly in the context of large-scale European projects.
Wiktor Gajewski
Events Manager
From explainer to events director – I did it all in my science centre career. Passionate about how science connects with other areas of culture. I am organizing #Ecsite2022 conference
Roxanne Gillon
Marketing Communications Associate
I joined Ecsite in February 2022 as Communications & Events Intern. I am now working as Membership & Communications Assistant, mainly working on the #Ecsite2023 Business Bistro and assisting with Ecsite's memberships. I hold a degree in Biology from Sorbonne University and in Science Communications from Grenoble Alpes University. I nourish a deep love for NHM and I regularly write popular science articles on various platforms. You can exchange with me in English, French or Italian.
Nicola Hamilton
Senior Communications Manager
Giuseppe Loveno Garofalo
Associate Project Manager
I’m Giuseppe and I joined Ecsite’s team in October 2023. Prior to that I gained +2 years of professional experience in EU project management and communication in several NGOs in Brussels. I hold a BA in Diplomatic and International Sciences from the University of Trieste and a Dual Degree of Arts in European and International Sciences from the University of Trento and the Metropolitan University of Prague.
Madisson Pillikse-Laidsaar
Community Engagement & Administrative Assistant