This session will start with a series of very short presentations with case studies of hands-on exhibits or interactives that integrate (museum) collectables. In the second part of the session, speakers and participants will form small workshop...
Not all young people engage science equally. Science centres engage well with children, but reaching teens more effectively is an ongoing project. This session discusses barriers to, and solutions for, engaging teens. We take a look at some...
In recent years the number of social participation projects related to science have increased dramatically. Does this surge come as a result of the media? Do social participation projects in science have a positive effect on society in that...
Many Ecsite conference delegates are not from the ‘big name’ science centres. This session will discuss how small and medium-sized science centres manage financial constraints. It will also highlight some of the unique opportunities and...
In search for an in-depth experience
Visitors to science centres and museums choose their preferred activities and design their own learning experiences. To support visitors, most institutions aspire to an environment that combines...
The session explores formal-informal partnerships by sharing models of how to work together to support the core curriculum of schools and to advance the core mission of science centres. Three cases will illuminate the topic: Urban Advantage...
This interactive session is run by the Ecsite thematic group on human interfaces and explainers , THE Group. Prepare to examine the role of explainers in fighting exclusion of underrepresented groups – including those from underprivileged...
How do science centres and museums contribute to social change and fight against social exclusion? Which projects help the more vulnerable sectors of the community? This session will showcase a few initiatives: The Science Museum of London...
The business of entertainment has never been so educational. With digital cinema projection equipment now very affordable and easily acquired, cinemas in museums and science centres are programming mission-related documentary films which are a...