A decade of RRI: stepping stones or erratic rocks?
The Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) approach has been fostered and supported by the European Commission for the past 10 years, creating a community of knowledge and practice that is still in the precious phase of "an organic soup". As RRI practitioners and critical friends, this session's speakers ask: Are all these experiences and projects stepping stones towards an “RRI epiphany”? Or are they more like erratic rocks: huge stones carried by glaciers and left stranded in the vastness of silence? Our adventurous "RRI Expedition" will start with fast-paced Pecha Kuchas and then invite the audience to reflect on the pros and cons of RRI in the Science & Public Engagement landscape.
More about this session: The session will present lessons and questions from the first-known initiative of participatory national budget for science, where citizens proposed (and voted) ideas for scientific research to be funded by the government. It will include insights from the Balkan countries, still struggling on their way to approach the EU and follow strategic R&I initiatives, and it will share experiences with dialogue arenas such as the theatrical debate. Stories will also be told from the university world, were our speakers are involved at the governance and curricula level.
Session speakers
Based on his involvement in RRI projects, and specifically in the organization of a national initiative for public participation on research agenda setting, Carlos will share the challenges and opportunities felt by science centres in engaging citizens to propose, discuss and vote ideas for research in their country and regions.
Associate Professor Science Communication & Public Engagement
Based on his experience in designing and facilitating interactive processes that support the RRI dimensions of anticipation and reflection, such as participatory theatre and video-based storytelling, Frank will argue for the transformative character of RRI. If people experience genuine dialogue they may alter their mindset and possibilities for a new culture of science arise.
The first Summer School on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) developed by the HEIRRI project took place in Barcelona. This course has been the first pilot trial ever to validate the educational materials developed to bring RRI into the University curricula. We will hear from the developers how is this happening in real life.
senior researcher, project coordinator
Centre for Social Innovation
By undertaking a broad review of the related literature as well as an empirical study, Ilse will share her findings of the problems of practical implementation of RRI in Public Engagement, focusing on the central role of practitioners identified within the discourse and will encompass suggestions and recommendations for Public Engagement processes.
Head of Department of International Cooperation
Based on his experience as the SEE regional coordinator for the RRI Tools project and involvement into several other RRI actions, Lale will present a unique insight into the region trying to reach much better perspectives while also offering surprisingly active and inspirational initiatives and programs. Collaborations with competent ministries in five Balkan countries, independent projects and art and creativity inside formal education will be especially emphasized.
Leonardo will present an exciting way of combining performing arts such as stand-up comedy, science busking and clowning with RRI values.
Performer communicators and educators have worked at "collision" between Arts and Science Education, and developed protocols to be used in science museums and beyond.
Based on her experience in projects related to RRI, Universities and Public engagement, Annette will expose the main challenges of RRI in these settings with a focus on its practical implementation.