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News & magazine

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News & Publication by 2015 Ecsite Conference

News 17 June 2015
Sponsor wall at the Ecsite conference

Dear sponsors, thank you so much for your backing!

Your support helps us, at Ecsite, improve the quality of our services. The conference was a success also thanks to you. We hope you had a great time in Trento and enjoyed the opportunities offered by this gathering of minds and appetites.

We will keep thinking of ways to help you reach your goals - we're here all year round, don't hesitate to get in touch!

Hope to see you all, next year in Graz, Austria for the 2016 Ecsite Annual Conference, 9-11 June.

News 15 June 2015
Ian Brunswick & Sheena Laursen

Sheena Laursen from Experimentarium and Ian Brunswick from the Science Gallery have just joined the Annual Conference Programme Committee

News 14 June 2015
Keynote speaker Tristram Stuart

Discover yesterday’s Storify summary, looking back on the last of three main conference days.

News 12 June 2015
Workshop at #Ecsite2015

Discover yesterday’s Storify summary, looking back on the second of three main conference days.

News 11 June 2015
Brigitte Coutant at 2012 Ecsite Annual Conference in Toulouse, France

Honorary fellows are nominated by the Ecsite Board for having gained outstanding merit by their activity and devotion to Ecsite or to the science engagement field.

News 11 June 2015
Testing oculus glasses at the GameLab #Ecsite2015

Discover yesterday’s Storify summary, looking back on the first of three main conference days.

News 10 June 2015
Maker Space workshop at #Ecsite2015

Discover yesterday’s Storify summary, looking back on the the second of two days of in-depth pre-conference workshops.

News 9 June 2015
Space pre-conference workshop at #Ecsite2015

Discover yesterday’s Storify summary, looking back on the first of two days of in-depth pre-conference workshops.

News 2 April 2015
MUSE - Museo delle Scienze, Trento, Ecsite Annual conference 2015, science centres

The Ecsite team visited Trento (Italy) beginning of April to catch up with the MUSE team who are busy preparing the 2015 Ecsite Annual Conference. Here are a few shots... looking forward to seeing the town full of Ecsite delegates!

News 23 October 2014

You could be setting up your booth at the Trento Fiere conference centre in 8 months… It will be buzzing with participants during the Ecsite Annual Conference (11-13 June). See you in Italy! All you need to know here.

Digital Spokes magazine

Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.

Spokes magazine #38, November 2024

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