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News & magazine

Stay in touch with the latest developments in European science engagement... Ecsite offers ongoing news on this website, as well as a monthly newsletter

News & Publication by The Nature Group

Calls 20 October 2017

The 2018 edition of Europe's biggest annual environment conference will focus on the theme "Green Cities for a Greener Future” (21-25 May 2018). The European Commission is looking for hosts for the opening and closing - apply by 17 November.

News 12 December 2016

The latest initiative of the Ecsite Nature Group is a newsletter designed to keep you all abreast of the Nature Group updates, initiatives, actions, events and news.

News 27 May 2012

Approved by the Ecsite board in March 2012, this statement highlights our network’s concern for protecting biodiversity and maps out a proactive response. Read it here: www.ecsite.eu/activities_and_resources/resources/ecsite-position-biodiversity

News 22 May 2012

“Biodiversity is not only an environmental issue. Biodiversity is a security issue, a foreign policy issue, an economic issue…” says Johan Rockström, Executive Director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre.

News 29 March 2012

A series of policy briefs have been written during the preparation of Planet under Pressure conference. Specifically targeting policy makers in the Rio+20 process, they aim to give them access to the latest scientific thinking on sustainable development issues.

News 29 March 2012

Reflections on Planet Under Pressure: a major international conference focusing on solutions to the global sustainability challenge

By Michèle Antoine, Chair, Ecsite’s Nature Group

News 29 March 2012

Scientists issue first “State of the Planet” declaration at the world’s largest gathering of experts on global environmental and social issues in advance of the major UN Summit Rio+20 in June. Download the full declaraction below.

News 29 March 2012

Science centres and museums call for UN partnership to bolster public engagement for sustainability

29 March, 2012, LONDON, UK – First Lady of Austria, Margit Fischer, will make the case for a science centre and museum partnership with the United Nations at the Planet Under Pressure (PuP) conference, 29 March, 10:15 am, in London, UK.

News 21 February 2012

Margit Fischer, First Lady of Austria and President of Austria’s ScienceCenter-Network, will make the case for a science centre and museum partnership with the United Nations when she speaks at the PuP conference, 29 March, 10:15 am, in London, UK.

News 14 February 2012

Ecsite, The European network of science centres and museums and the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) Secretariat are pleased to invite you to participate in the forthcoming Sustainable Energy Europe Awards Competition.


Digital Spokes magazine

Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.

Spokes magazine #35, August 2024

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