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Annual Conference sessions

The first Ecsite Conference took place in 1989. Here you can browse all Conference sessions since 2010. Use the search engine to look for people, topics...

Looking for an older session? Our digital records start in 2007, with programme pdfs attached to each conference page

Science ♥ society
Antonina KhodzhaevaDavid SittenfeldLucia MartinelliGisela OliveiraCarlin Hsueh

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Biotechnology can provide solutions to global challenges in several fields including...

Research, theory & evaluation
Achim SaupeBaerbel AuffermannUrsula WarnkeAnna Omedes

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This session will include presentations on the use of (non-) authentic objects and of (...

Research, theory & evaluation
Laurent CarrierBernadette SchrandtBernd HoltwickVictoria Thomas

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We all want our visitors to connect with an exhibition and feel something, whether that’s...

Ryan JenkinsSebastian MartinJessica StanleyStefano Buratti

In this hands-on session we will explore electrical circuits in depth, investigating the tinkering practices and sharing possibilities for taking these ideas to new heights by emphasizing storytelling, narrative, and collaboration. We’ll base...

Equity & Inclusion
Barbara StreicherVanessa MignanMatteo MerzagoraMarianne AchiamElizabeth RasekoalaBarbara StreicherMaria Vlachou

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At the 2016 Ecsite Annual Conference our community was challenged by keynote speaker Liz...

Strategy & vision
Tomas RehacekDavid SittenfeldAnna OmedesWalter Staveloz

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Mobilising large-scale campaigns around topics such as biotechnology or biodiversity at...

Marketing & communication
Paweł BarczyńskiMichał Buława

Two years ago at the Ecsite Annual Conference's GameLab in Trento one of the project discussed and analysed was the “EC1 – The power of knowledge” game. And afterwards guess what happened?... We’ve now got this game finished and ready to be...

Martin KulhawczukIan RussellNoel JacksonSabine HaakeSamar D. KirreshAnna GunnarssonElisabetta TrentinPedro PomboOzlem CamNaomi FosterMarco MirandaEva Hofstad HagenRannei Solbak Simonsen

Welcome to the Grand Bazaar, an informal drop-in session featuring dozens of table-top activities - and their facilitators. This long-time favourite session returns to take you on a creative and inspiring journey with spicy experiments, hands-on...

Strategy & vision
Ian BrunswickAlice Roberts

Your opportunity to engage in conversation with anthropologist, author and broadcaster Alice Roberts after hearing her keynote in the previous time slot.

Mikko MyllykoskiAmparo Leyman PinoHenrik SellJet de WitKim Gladstone HerlevDick de JongThomas B BergLee Skolnick, FAIADobrivoje Lale EricKaterina Chabova

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Are you ready to confess? Valuable lessons can be learned from our mistakes and worries,...

Dacha AtienzaThierry BrassacRita CamposKrista LeusinkChristine MarizziSara Mira

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Biodiversity is often mentioned in the media. Unfortunately, usually only to talk about...

Science ♥ society
Amito HaarhuisQuitterie LargeteauHerve GroscarretMichael John GormanIlona Iłowiecka-Tańska

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In line with the ‘Life everywhere’ conference theme, we will explore the challenges of...
