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What's new in touring exhibitions #1

A preview of current and upcoming touring science exhibitions across Europe and the world. This fast-paced session will give you a glimpse of a large range of exhibitions on offer, leaving it up to you to make contacts and find out more.


Audrey OConnel
Museum Consulting
Audrey O’Connell + Associates
United States

Session speakers

Director of Sales
In Earth Matters, welcome to a place where you can dive deep into the science behind some of the changes we are seeing in our surroundings. Experience how the smallest of actions can have a big impact on the world around you. Our exhibits are both thought-provoking and fully interactive. This is where you play to change the game. In nature, everything is connected – air, land, water. As you explore Earth Matters, look out for the connections along the way. Solve complex challenges and push your own ideas to new heights. Then rethink what the future could look like.
Project Manager - Programming and Travelling Exhibitions
Discover The Limits of Humanity, a hybrid exhibition that questions every facet of human identity. The digital revolution and the development of biotechnologies place humanity at a turning point where ethical questions take centre stage. The exhibition’s Inventive and humorous museography combined with immersive and artistic staging are designed to question our own limits… and beyond!
Touring Exhibitions Manager
National Museums Scotland
United Kingdom
Audubon's Birds of America presents a rare opportunity to display a beautiful selection of National Museums Scotland’s collection of prints from Audubon’s remarkable masterpiece, the Birds of America. This is a landmark work of ornithological illustration and one of the most famous and expensive books in the world.
Global Business Development
American Museum of Natural History
New York
United States
The Nature of Color reveals the many roles of color in the natural world, across human cultures, and in our personal lives. Visitors explore the science of color, how colors make us feel, the history of color production, and how plants and animals use color to help them survive and reproduce. This fun, family-friendly exhibition includes models, cultural objects, and interactive exhibits that invite visitors to play and experiment with color.
Photojournalist Søren Skarby
In Fish - Scaled Up, 25 North European fish species are presented as images of unprecedented high quality on huge photo booths. We see patterns in the skin of the fish, which you would normally never see with the naked eye. The high resolution of the pictures makes the experience an almost 3-dimensional artistic experience.
Partnerships Manager, Cultural & Commercial Partnerships
United Kingdom
Our Future Planet will showcase the cutting-edge technology and nature-based solutions being developed to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and how this will impact our lives in the future. The exhibition will come in the form as a digital Blueprint Pack Exhibition.
Marketing & PR Manager
Meet the Masters is a fully digital immersive exhibition about three renowned Flemish Masters: Jan Van Eyck, Pieter Bruegel the Elder and Peter Paul Rubens. The visitor literally walks through enlarged animated paintings. In the meantime, the audioguide tells a pleasant story to guide the eye of the visitor. In a 360° projection experience, the visitor dives into a unique spectacle where three centuries of fine art are combined.
With ORCAS dive deep into the stories and science that surround the magnificent orca, apex predator of all oceans. Follow the currents of ecological activism, popular culture and Indigenous beliefs to gain a new appreciation of these sophisticated animals, long feared in Western cultures as “killer whales”. Discover the complex social structure of orca society and reflect on the surprising consequences of captivity.
Bettina Deutsch-Dabernig
Head of the Exhibitions
TIME: What is time? Can you measure time? Can you feel time? Can you explain time? What is time doing with us? What do we do with time? Time is already a very important topic for children - and in our fast-moving time even more important than ever! Time is as diverse as life is and you can find time anywhere. In the exhibition, the children take part in an expedition with their personal time clock. They visit different places and get to know different people - and notice the diversity of time. In each area, an expedition photo is taken – to stop the time for a minute. Children engage in a variety of interactions and at the end of their visit, they are reminded of the time spent in the exhibition of their personal expedition certificate. Time-expeditions are for children aged between 3 and 7 as well as for children aged 8 and over.
Exhibitions Team
The gesture of opening a tap and have drinking water running is a banal experience for most of us. For more than two billion people, however, it's just an impossible wish. But it is one that can come true. Water – Unfiltered Exhibition challenges us with a complex problem, with a realistic but positive discourse that incites to change attitudes and create solutions. Appealing and positive, it invites us to enter and explore the many facets of water on our planet. Engaging us in a call to action, WATER- Unfiltered exhibition inspires everyone to commit for a future with water for all.
Travelling exhibitions manager
Gladiator, the exhibition of which you are the hero or heroine! What if you were a gladiator? Enter the world of gladiature, take the oath, train and become the new star of the Roman Empire. During a visit, slip into the shoes of a gladiator and discover the truth about these extraordinary fighters! Immersed in scenery inspired by archaeological sources, the visitor plays the role of a contemporary of the Roman era who comes to enlist as a gladiator. He moves between the ludus, where gladiators lived and trained, and the amphitheater, and discovers the world of gladiature beyond all clichés. The connected experience allows visitors to make their own choices and follow their own trajectory. The story they will live in the ludus will be their own. Size : 200-300 sqm
Corinne Boungo
Promotion officer
Have you ever wondered what it takes to make jeans? Jeans is an immersive, offbeat and fun exhibition that invites the public to discover every side of jeans. Fashion, economy, technology, history, society, consumption and the environment – the exhibition takes the cult garment apart stitch by stitch. In a setting that suggests a large workshop, visitors explore the different areas, in turn becoming historians, designers, top models… and educated consumers. The exhibition is produced by Universcience. It is configured to comply with Covid-19 health requirements. Currently on display until January 2022. Available for touring from March 2022.
Direction Board
Astronomy for babies – feel the cosmos in family is a fulldome movie from Exploratório Ciência Viva Science Centre of Coimbra, Portugal. This project was recognized with the Mariano Gago Smart and Simple Ecsite Award 2018 and further developed in an updated version, new to the market for digital domes and planetariums. With an original soundtrack from the jazz singer Maria João, the journey begins in Coimbra (or in any other city of the world) and goes to the outer space, exploring planets and stars, patterns in the sky, inciting wonder and amazement about the cosmos, in a rich sensory experience for babies and their families.
Paolo Russo, Exhibition Partnerships Manager, NHM
Exhibition Partnerships Manager
United Kingdom
Fantastic Beasts: The Wonder of Nature brings together iconic props from the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts films with amazing specimens from the NHM's scientific collection. Visitors will have the chance to discover the connections between the magical creatures described in the famous movies, and real animals, which can be as extraordinary as the imaginary ones!
