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Purposeful brands and science engagement: common ground for social impact?

Recent theories suggest that the only brands to survive are those with a purpose, that create a positive impact for planet and people. They therefore need new ways of connecting to consumers. Purposeful brands could form creative collisions with science centres and museums, providing meaningful experiences for consumers/visitors. Brands could benefit from the science museum or centre as an institution, providing credibility and a physical space to interact in a different environment. Museums or science centres could benefit from the continuous innovation cycles of brands, increasing the attractiveness of repeat visits.

In this workshop, speakers from the brands and design industry illustrate what these creative collisions could look like, before participants work in small teams, creating a "creative collision" combining a big social issue with a brand and a science museum or centre.


Development & Experience Design
Den Haag

Session speakers

Steven Schaeken from NorthernLight shares his experience in developing both science exhibitions and brand experiences. He shares his view on the future of science communication and the role brands can play therein.
Astrid Sonneville-Dings
Finance & Supply Chain expert
Independent Consultant Sustainability
Astrid Sonneville-Dings has 20 years experience in the Consumer Goods industry and is an independent expert on Sustainability & Innovation. Her focus is on accelerating the transition to a sustainable economy. She will share a model to explore where creative collisions between Brands and Science centres could happen and where they make sense for all parties.
Sustainable Business Catalyst
Doing Business Doing Good
Sophie Wisbrun, Sustainable & Purposeful Business Catalyst, shares her experience in developing purposeful brands with positive impact and how business can become a force for good. She will share conditions to make creative collisions between purposeful brands and science centers successful.