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Potential for aesthetic and emotional engagement with science

Screenshot of Marianne and Sabrina on their online video call

Marianne and Sabrina discuss the outcomes of their session at the 2023 Ecsite Conference

Within Ecsite's Environmental Emergency Action supporting member organisations taking steps to do better in their "Green" journeys, we've encouraged #Ecsite2023 speakers who discussed the biodiversity & climate emergency to share their sessions' legacy with Conference participants and Ecsite members.

Marianne Achiam and Sabrina Vitting-Seerup from the University of Copenhagen made a short video sharing their thoughts on the session (watch it by clicking the video preview above on this page).

Here's a link to the session page where you can read more about the session and the speakers' details & contacts. You'll find all the slideshows listed below, except for Jon Chase's slideshow which is heavy and linked here instead.

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  • session legacy
  • #Ecsite2023
  • climate
  • science communication