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News & magazine

Stay in touch with the latest developments in European science engagement... Ecsite offers ongoing news on this website, as well as a monthly newsletter

Calls 3 March 2015

Last summer Ecsite has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with EAZA, the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria and BGCI, Botanic Gardens Conservation International. We are launching a call for Ecsite members to contribute learning materials on local biodiversity to run a joint campaign starting next year.

Calls 5 February 2015
#museumweek logo

#Museumweek is a week-long global Twitter campaign mobilizing museums and their visitors around the globe on 23-29 March.

Calls 28 January 2015

The Children in Museums Award is a joint venture between the international organisation Hands On! and the European Museum Academy. The judges are on the look-out for creative and innovative exhibitions and programmes for the age group up to 14 years old. Apply before 28 February.

Calls 8 January 2015

As science engagement professionals, freedom of information and speech is core to our daily values and practices. We believe that science needs open-minded, democratic societies and unhampered exchange of ideas to thrive. We honour the memory of those who died in the Paris attacks. We will keep using our organizations’ power to engage millions of citizens in dialogue and foster tolerance in our societies.

Calls 18 November 2014

We are pleased to invite Ecsite members to join in a new Horizon2020 project that we are applying for as partners. You are invited to apply to be a Third Party on a new call under the topic: ‘Call for proposals to identify and implement novel ways to highlight the work funded by the ERC and reach out a wider public’

The ERC (European Research Council) is an EU agency dedicated to support frontier research.


Digital Spokes magazine

Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.

Spokes magazine #40, January 2025

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