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News & Publication by The Space Group

News 17 August 2016

This year's Space group annual Meeting will take place the 8 - 9 December 2017 at a very special venue: The European Astronaut Centre (EAC). Stay tuned for more news and registration information!

News 20 July 2016

Rosetta's final landing is coming closer. The Space group has prepared an update of the Rosetta kit for all science centres to be ready for 30 September!

Calls 14 June 2016
Photo: ESA-G. Porter, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

Don't miss the opportunity and apply for art residency at ESA and Ars Electronica

News 25 January 2016

After a successful cooperation of the Ecsite Space Group and ESA in development of the Rosetta Kit about the Rosetta mission in 2013-2015, the collaboration will continue and new projects will be developed. Space has a tremendous role in the sustainable development of natural resources base, monitoring the state of the oceans and atmosphere, extending our knowledge about life on Earth and beyond. In this context in 2015-2016 the Space Group will be working to develop collaborative projects around the theme “Space for Life”.

News 25 January 2016

As agreed at the Space Group pre-conference workshop held in June 2015 in Trento, Italy the Annual Meeting 2015 took place in Milan, Italy on 3-4 November 2015 and was hosted by the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci.

News 23 January 2016

As agreed during the Space Group workshop «Space for life» held in Trento last June, the next Space Group Annual Meeting will take place at the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci in Milan, Italy on November 3 and 4, 2015. One of the goals of the space group, that includes today more than 100 members, is to exchange and design collaborative projects to better share European space activities with the general public.

News 6 October 2015
Ecsite Space Group pre-conference workshop "Space for Life"

The next Space Group Annual Meeting will take place at the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci in Milan, Italy on 3-4 November. One of the goals of the space group, that includes today more than 150 members, is to exchange and design collaborative projects to better share European space activities with the general public.

News 14 September 2015

The Space Group Annual Meeting is a unique platform, uniting non-space specialized science centres and museums as well as professionals from the space industry, specialized science centres and museums and space enthusiasts. It offers great opportunities for exchange of ideas and best practices, mutual learning and networking, collaboration on new projects in the field of space science engagement.

Workshop 3 November 2015 - 4 November 2015

Attend the next Space Group Annual Meeting in Milan, italy on 3-4 November 2015, which promises to be two days full of energizing discussions on collaborative projects, networking, and building partnerships, exchange of ideas and best practices.

News 30 July 2015

The Ecsite Space Group in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) are exploring possibilities to develop new Space related kits, resources and tools, which you could use in your science centre or museum. Please take out survey and help guide our work.


Digital Spokes magazine

Spokes is the monthly magazine of Ecsite, the European network of science centres and museums. Hear the latest news from European science engagement, go further with in-depth features and make the most of the good reads, events and opportunities shared by Ecsite members.

Spokes magazine #40, January 2025

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