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Insights Live! Mastering sustainable outdoor premises

5 December 2023

Join us for a peer-learning event focused on sustainable practices for outdoor premises. We are delighted to welcome John Tweddle, Head of Centre for UK Nature, and Natalie Tacq, Senior Project and Programme Manager, who will jointly discuss the Natural History Museum London's upcoming gardens set to launch in the summer of next year. Drawing from their hands-on experience, John and Natalie will share insights into the design and development of these green spaces, enhancing biodiversity and fostering environmental sustainability. In addition, we're honored to have Natacha Buts, Innovation Project Leader, representing Hidrodoe, sharing innovative plans for the renewed water park.

Following the expert talks, we invite participants to contribute their own case studies, challenges, and solutions, offering a unique opportunity to collaborate with peers and take practical steps towards sustainable practices benefiting both your institution and the planet. Don't miss this chance to learn, share, and shape a greener future for outdoor spaces.

Insider Tips and Tricks from:

John Tweddle, Head of Centre for UK Nature & Natalie Tacq, Senior Project and Programme Manager at Natural History Museum, London

Natacha Buts, Innovation Project Leader at Hidrodoe


5 December 11.00 to 12.00 CET

The Zoom link will be sent via outlook to Directors of member organisations. If you work in an Ecsite member organisation and would like to join, please email us at communications@ecsite.eu

Why attend?

Join us to explore sustainable outdoor spaces strategies shared by fellow Ecsite members. Engage in discussions with peers, share challenges, and develop plans for a resilient future in managing outdoor premises. Contribute to the Ecsite-wide initiative to address and elevate your environmental sustainability practices.