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Experience design in practice

Interactivity has always been part of the science centre's DNA and is now common in museums and other science engagement settings. However, it doesn't necessarily take into consideration visitors' emotional journeys. The concept of experience design has recently gained prominence in the museum field. It privileges emotions and focuses on the quality, enjoyment, relevance and transformative power of the visitor experience.

In this full-day workshop we will cover the principles of experience design. Participants will use well-defined methodologies (e.g. creating user personas, defining motivation matrices and users journey maps, etc…) to create experiences for a (fictional) exhibition at the Experimentarium science centre, where the conference is taking place. Experts will cover topics related to experience design like the importance of co-creation and visitor evaluation, the pros and cons of fun, and how to create intergenerational experiences and space as a way of influencing the mood of visitors.

A more detailed programme, still under construction, can be checked here.



Session speakers

Creative director
A space is built from materials, but it is made of people. In this talk Mariana will present space as an inducer of behaviours, emotions and narratives.
Ines Montalvao
Program Director
Artists with Evidence
Who are we designing for/with? In this talk we will approach the concept of co-creation and the creative power of “doing together”. Ines will focus on memorable, meaningful, transformative experiences and their impact on visitors. This topic will also be developed by introducing different visitor´s motivation categories and how to attract them.
Exhibitions and interpretation manager
The Natural History Museum in London is committed to putting the visitors at the heart of everything we do – but what does this really mean in exhibition development practise? Using examples from new permanent galleries, temporary exhibitions and ongoing gallery improvements we will explore the impact visitor research and testing has on the Museum from enabling us to assess basic understanding of exhibition concepts and language through to play testing interactive exhibits.
Poul Kattler
Exhibition developer
Poul Kattler will share practical examples of how fun can also be relevant in combination with the leaning aspects. We will hear about user involvement and full scale mock-ups for both a huge exhibit about global logistic/transport and with the PULS exhibition about physical exercise which is both fun and social!