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What's on your plate?

This themed exhibition provides answers to questions we all ask ourselves about the things we eat. How much sugar, fat or salt does our food contain? How is the food digested? Should I be exercising more when I eat fatty food? What are the eating habits of other cultures and what flavours do they use?

Take a seat and discover flavours and aromas during a romantic dinner or experience the fun of having dinner while playing a round of table football.

‘What’s on your plate?’ presents the theme of ‘eating’ in a tasteful, playful and interactive manner and provides more insight into the habits and challenges of ‘healthy eating’, while remembering the fun aspects of eating at the same time!

‘What’s on your plate?’, exhbition designed and produced by La Cité des sciences et de l’industrie, Universcience (France) in coproduction with Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci (Italy), Heureka (Finland) and Technopolis (Belgium).


Technopolis, the Flemish Science Centre

Technopolis endeavours to fascinate everyone with science and technology no matter who or where they are. Up until recently, Technopolis was best known for its popular science centre in Mechelen, which is frequented by especially young families and schools. However, in recent years Technopolis has become a brand for all kinds of activities both inside and outside of Technopolis, both online and offline.