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At the 6th Science Centre World Congress convened in Cape Town, South Africa, from 4-8 September 2011, 416 delegates from 56 countries assessed the impact of science centres worldwide and formulated plans that will ensure that they continue to play a constructive role in addressing global issues at the interface between science and society. Robert Firmhofer, President of Ecsite, signed the Cape Town Declaration – a document meant to map the social role of science centres.
The Planetarium Science Center issues a Newsletter on quarterly basis. The newsletter is distributed to the public in both languages; English and Arabic.The PSC has issued the first PSC Newsletter in 2007. The main aim of the newsletter is to outreach the public with simple scientific knowledge and inform them of the PSC latest programs and events.
The Planetarium Science Center is celebrating the Closing Ceremony for the ongoing Summer Program on Monday 12 September 2011. The Ceremony will be a cultural event, including a movie presenting the students achievements during the Program, in addition to the PSC unique Super Science Show that is so entertaining for children as well as adults. Also, the ceremony will be hosting a few eminent speakers and honoring distinguished participants.
Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, met with Ecsite President Robert Firmhofer at Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw, Poland, on 1 July, 2011.
Barosso made clear that he is very impressed by the Copernicus Science Centre after previewing its state-of-the-art full dome planetarium and browsing its galleries of experiments.
As part of further development of the Pomeranian Science and Technology Park in Gdynia (POLAND), our EXPERYMENT Science Centre is changing as well.
Camerino, University Science Museum, 12-20 April 2011
For the centenary of superconductivity discovery (Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, 1911) the Science Museum and the Physics division of Camerino University have organized an interactive exhibition which ran from 12 to 20 April 2011.
The Planetarium Science Center at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina organized Science Festivity 2011 for the fifth year in a row on April 10, 2011. Science Festivity grants science presence in the community, and is appropriate to different age groups and cultural backgrounds. All visitors enjoyed the acquisition of knowledge through participation in various activities, whether alone or accompanied by family and friends. The Festivity also welcomed schools trips from all educational stages.
Technopolis®, the Flemish science center in Mechelen (Belgium) has successfully organized its 6th Science Center Academy. From Thursday 27 January till Saturday 29 January 2011, 18 participants and 9 experienced science center professionals contemplated on the question of how to set up a low cost high quality science center.
Deadline fast approaching for the Services tender for architectural works, including design & supervision, for the National Centre for Interactive Science, Malta.
We look forward to your tender documents!
Due to social influences and misconceptions, girls do not find a way to engineering or applied sciences. A talent that is unknown, is unloved… To fight all prejudices Technopolis, the Flemish science center, organizes the Girls Only Technology Club from 10 to 12 years.
During 9 sessions the girls discover the basic techniques and create pieces of work with all kinds of material: (electrical) saws, drills, files, pliers, cutters, pincers, wood, metal, plexi… In the last session they show their mothers how they learnt to handle and work with these materials in a safe way.