17.06.2023 | 16:30 - 17:45
Productive interfaces between research institutions and other social actors are becoming an intrinsic feature of knowledge production for the XXI century. What is the role of science centres in the process of production of knowledge? What unique opportunities do they offer as spaces for knowledge development? What does this knowledge relate to? Do we have examples proving that museums can lead to better (original, robust, relevant, ethical) research? At the same time, a basically symmetrical question concerns universities. What role do their cultural activities play in science communication? What is the complementarity of formal and non-formal education here?
This topic is an ongoing thread in Ecsite conference and Spokes magazine for several years. In 2022, K. Arnold, MJ Gorman, and A. Steinhausser questioned the potential of science centres as research infrastructures. We propose to continue the discussion by welcoming new provoking questions and examples.
Outcomes: what will participants get from this session? Skills, knowledge, experience etc.
The session will end with two outcomes:
1. Stimulated by the questioning of the invited participants, all participants will share their experiences, identify obstacles, gain awareness about new professional skills needed to fulfill this emerging new mission.
2. Participants will have the opportunity to network and share experiences about the role of research and communication their uniqueness, significance and role in the overall process of developing knowledge.