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The Water-Mining PlayDecide Game

  • October 2023
  • Education & learning
  • Topics in science
  • Material for workshops and exhibitions

The Water-Mining PlayDecide Card Game is out! The game is designed for simple, respectful & fact-based group discussion and it enables players to get familiar with a question, see it from different perspectives and form or clarify an opinion. At the heart of the game, there are 4 policy positions on wastewater treatment, seawater desalination, circular economy, sustainability, economic and environmental impact.

The game was designed in framework of the Water-Mining EU-funded project https://watermining.eu/.

Public resource


  • serious game
  • climate change
  • stakeholder engagement
  • sustainable development
  • ecology
  • water
  • smart cities



The main objective of WATER-MINING project is to contribute to the implementation of the Water Framework Directive and the Circular Economy packages by showcasing and validating innovative water resources solutions. The project has selected a number of innovative technologies that reached proof of concept levels under previous EU project. The demonstration case studies are to be first implemented in five EU countries (The Netherlands, Spain, Cyprus, Portugal and Italy) where prior successful technical and social steps have already been accomplished.