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Testing RRI materials in higher education

Are you interested in testing RRI higher education training materials? The HEIRRI project calls on higher education institutions from all continents interested in Responsible Research and Innovation and its integration into the curricula for a pilot test of two of the training programs and materials.

The applicant institutions will pilot the testing of the HEIRRI materials in parallel with the Consortium member institutions (between June 2017 and April 2018). They will actively participate in the learning process, giving feedback on the materials and their use in their institutions.

The two best-evaluated applications will receive a scholarship of 2.000€ each (priority will be given to applications from developing countries) and up to 1.000€ for travel and accommodation expenses to participate in the second HEIRRI conference (April 2018).

Applications will be accepted until 30 April 2017. More info on the call here.


  • RRI
  • education
  • pilot
  • training material