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The recently completed Rethink project produced a series of knowledge capsules on science communication

Methodology chart
Roles summary chart

The recently completed RETHINK project produced a series of knowledge capsules on science communication and are now available on Zenodo: The capsules concern Roles, Sense-making, Assessing quality of scicomm and our own Rethinkerspaces methodology. They are available in English, Italian, Serbian, Polish, Swedish and Portuguese.

The RETHINK project aspired to rethink science communication, both its theory and practice, to accommodate the major challenges to the individual and collective process of making sense about science. A guiding principle of RETHINK has been that the contextual knowledge of citizens across the EU should play a vital role in shaping future scientific and technological developments and the sharing of this knowledge should be facilitated. The overall objective of RETHINK has been to contribute to making the European science communication ecosystem more open, inclusive, reflexive and adaptive and to improve the quality of interactions between science and society by providing concrete recommendations and training resources for nurturing open and reflexive science-society interfaces.