fbpx Making your institution more environmentally sustainable? | Ecsite

Making your institution more environmentally sustainable?

Earlier this year, Ecsite launched its Environmental Emergency Action (EEEA) initiative, providing a Pledge and a comprehensive programme of activities to support Ecsite members in their journey towards creating more environmentally sustainable institutions.

During the Spring programme, nine Ecsite member organisations shared their insights on six different topics, attracting an audience of 200 professionals. The topics covered were sustainability certifications, sustainability through staff engagement, sustainable exhibitions, sustainable procurement, sustainable water management, and sustainable visitor mobility.

All Insights Live! events were recorded and are now available for viewing and reviewing.

The recordings are accompanied by summaries, reference articles, slideshows, and contact information for each speaker, enabling further inquiries.

If you are an Ecsite member and do not have access to these EEEA resources, please contact Raquel at the Ecsite office.

We encourage all Ecsite members to sign the Ecsite Pledge—a statement of intent designed for mobilisation and communication. By sharing the Pledge with your teams and signing up as an organisation, you demonstrate your commitment to taking the necessary steps towards environmental sustainability. Additionally, explore the Idea Box, a support tool brimming with inspiring ideas developed at the Directors Forum meeting, to kickstart your institution's sustainability journey.

The Insights Live! will resume this Autumn

Bringing different key topics on environmental sustainability and Ecsite members institutions with inspiring initiatives & case studies.

A big thank you to all Ecsite members contributing to building a more environmentally sustainable future for their institution and the wider community.


  • EEEA
  • environment
  • climate
  • ecsite environment
  • emergency action
  • insights live!
  • resources
  • legacy