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Annual Conference sessions

The first Ecsite Conference took place in 1989. Here you can browse all Conference sessions since 2010. Use the search engine to look for people, topics...

Looking for an older session? Our digital records start in 2007, with programme pdfs attached to each conference page

laura ronzonJohannes-Geert HagmannMaarten Okkersen

This new session format is seeking to leave the comfort zone of science centres and museums, opening the debate on a controversial subject: do science centres need objects to increase their impact, to be innovative and relevant, and to meet their...

Exhibit development
Gérard CobutJunko AnsoIrena CieślińskaAnna SchaefersReinoud Magosse

Can we dream of a perfect exhibition text? Different museums and science centres have different ideas of what a good text is, the scientist whose research is reflected might have other ideas altogether, while in a family of four visitors, there...

Equity & Inclusion
Asimina Vergou

The 21st century has seen increasing awareness and concern about the human impact upon the environment. Many scientists argue that we are entering the sixth great mass extinction and that anthropogenic climate change is one of the major threats...

Human Resources
Linda ConlonLesley Lewis

CEO-Board interaction is a key factor in organizational success. A positive Board-CEO relationship creates synergies that will support fundraising and leverage existing relationships between Board members, science centre interests and personal...

Tim PorterTim PorterDavid Kanter

Many science centers are struggling to innovate in the broad realm of digital media, recognizing that their institution’s future depends on connecting with their audiences in new ways. How do we balance quality hands-on experiences with an...

Science in Society
Didier Lavalludovic MaggioniWiktor GajewskiVincenzo Lipardi

Science Centres are excellent places to foster new processes between the arts, science and technology in a spirit of co-creation. They can support innovation processes that associate scientific and creative skills with a view to:


Research, theory & evaluation
Carina HalvordJohn FalkStephanie Sinclair

Two studies will be presented which attempt to measure the impact of informal science education which remains one of the field’s toughest challenges.

A review of informal learning in the UK focused on understanding the...

Exhibit development
Claudia SchleyerSteve GennrichClara LimJulia Ellrich

Outdoor exhibits have the power to reach a wide range of audiences and offer casual contact to people who are not even interested in, or conscious of, science in their daily lives. With great power to engage, they also come with extraordinary...

Equity & Inclusion
Judy BrownJen DeWittSheena Laursen

Gender equality continues as a contentious issue in modern society, particularly with regard to women in science and research. Science centres and museums throughout the world play a crucial role in overcoming prejudices about science and...
