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Annual Conference sessions

The first Ecsite Conference took place in 1989. Here you can browse all Conference sessions since 2010. Use the search engine to look for people, topics...

Looking for an older session? Our digital records start in 2007, with programme pdfs attached to each conference page

Heather KingMarianne AchiamRooske Franse

Innovative ideas often originate from cross-pollination among disciplines. Informal science education (ISE) is a domain wherein many academic disciplines come together, for example: learning is a research focus for child development, psychology...

Mark ElamAlexandra WeilenmannTommaso VenturiniCatharina Ländström

As many of today’s science centres wish to foster public engagement with current research, so too are many schools promoting student engagement with so-called socioscientific issues. Aiming to creatively combine these concerns, the...

Explainers & visitor services
Philipp HorstLeonel AlegreAnna SchaefersInes PRIETOManuel Roca

In our dreams, visitors attend our exhibitions, approach the exhibits and know exactly what to do. When they leave, they are smarter than before and feel happy. Visitors probably have the same dream. But if we look at reality, visitor interaction...

Owain Davies

“When I first started designing and building exhibits I’d never heard of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology. Now there isn’t a project that comes up without someone mentioning it, QR, or bar codes! And everyone wants...

Operations & finance
Liz DeanStine FergusonAnne Tove Koldal

Most science centers increase their income by offering their facilities for meetings and events. Some centres arrange more targeted events for companies and organizations such as team building and holding entertaining competitions in the...

Eva JonssonSean DuranAndrea DurhamAilsa BarryAmito Haarhuis

Science centres that want to remain vital for their stakeholders need to innovate and adapt to changing demands and expectations. This calls for proactive and brave leadership which is willing to take risks and test new solutions. This session...

Josh GutwillJosh GutwillKaren WilkinsonElin RobertsElena Mashintsova

Humans have been making things since before recorded history. In recent times, however, with the advent of global production and a shift toward consumerism, “making” at home and in school have become lost arts. Children and adults can learn much...

Science in Society
Andrea BandelliRichard WatermeyerMarzia MazzonettoJacqueline BroerseGilles Laroche

In March 2013, a thousand citizens from all over Europe have been involved in a large scale, formal participation initiative to contribute to the priorities of the new framework program for European Research “Horizon 2020”. This...

Margareta HallinFiorenzo GalliLuisa MassaraniKaren SitRobert WestIgnasi López VerdeguerLuigi Amodio

The starting point for the science centre movement were encapsulated in the goals of the Exploratorium in San Francisco, United States. But since these beginnings science centres have developed and evolved, for example:

- Science centers...
