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What's new in travelling exhibitions - Part 2

A preview of current and upcoming touring science exhibitions across Europe and the world. This fast-paced session will give you a glimpse of a large range of exhibitions on offer, leaving it up to you to make contacts and find out more.


Audience Engagement Advisor
Lizzy Moriarty
United Kingdom

Session speakers

Senior Partnerships Manager
Discover this major new touring exhibition that explores the science of music’s mysterious hold over us and how it drives us to create, perform, feel and share. Prepare to get hands on, with your ears and hearts open. Immerse yourself in music that is forged where creativity and human ingenuity collide and interact with extraordinary, unfamiliar and playful musical instruments and performances, created to explore the science of music and to push the boundaries of what’s musically possible.
Travelling Exhibitions Coordinator
Today, the causes of species extinction are, for the most part, linked to humans. Our lifestyles, based on the overexploitation of natural resources, and our daily behaviour in relation to nature are altering the biodiversity. Our exhibition is a chronological journey from the appearance of life on Earth, to mass extinctions, to the current biodiversity crisis. Thanks to several partnerships with artists, we are pleased to offer an exhibition that includes as well: a photographic journey of a renowned wildlife photographer, many audiovisuals and illustrations made by creative artists and finally large origami sculptures made by a traditional folding studio. With this new exhibition our main goal is to address the issue of human impact on biodiversity and reduce the carbon footprint of our touring activity by recycling an entire exhibition. Citizens of today and tomorrow, embark on a journey to discover the earth's biodiversity.
Exhibitions unit
Pavilhão do conhecimento centro ciência viva
The future of water is the future of our planet. Every drop counts. Every action counts. WATER – UNFILTERED EXHIBITION gives voice to the basic right to water. In an appealing and positive tone, the exhibition looks towards the future and explores how science and technology, knowledge and imagination are essential to tackling current water-related challenges. 29 interactive exhibits engage visitors in a journey through the availability and use of water on our planet and invite them to take action, committing themselves to a future with water for all.
A turnkey travelling exhibition with about 130 original objects, many of which have never before travelled outside of Cambodia. An object and scientific-based exhibition with immersive multimedia technology, films and interactives. The vast metropolis of Angkor, now shrouded by jungle in present-day Cambodia, was once the centre of one of the greatest empires the world has ever seen. Enormous monuments to the gods such as Angkor Wat are among the most remarkable achievements in all of human history, and towered over sprawling cities made of wood which, over the centuries, have vanished almost without a trace.
K12, Education, Learning, Steam resources
Creative Director
Collective Paper Aesthetics
MUDAM GO! Is a hands-on Interactive installation designed for MUDAM, Luxembourg in 2020. Inspired by the works of artist Charlotte Posenenske and its distinct participatory dimensions, families and schools visiting the museum were assembling flat cardboard cut-outs to an infinite variety of combinations. The museum has used the limitations of the second lockdown to become innovative by inviting the public to get their own kits to GO! Play with at home and bring them back after the restrictions are lifted to assemble them to a greater sculpture as a collective. In 2021 MUDAM GO! was reproduced for Kidspace Children's Museum in Pasadena, CA.
Exhibition producer
"Facing Disaster" exhibition examines human resilience in the face of natural disasters. The narrative focuses on cooperation and trust, while more complex themes such as climate change and social inequality are touched indirectly. The experience combines interactive exhibits, immersive spaces and real life stories and artefacts that illustrate the human experience of living under the threat of immense natural forces. The exhibition aims to empower and encourage visitors to be active, give them hope in spite of adversities, and remind them of the importance of being part of a community.
Project Manager - Programming and Travelling Exhibitions
In the midst of the digital revolution and the development of biotechnologies, humanity is at a turning point in which ethical questions take center stage. The exhibition’s inventive and humorous museography, combined with immersive and creative staging, are designed to question our own limits… and beyond!
International Relations
Contemporanea Progetti
From tales of antiquity to the association with planets and constellations, the stories of the gods, heroes and creatures that inhabited the mythical realms are explored in this large-scale, dynamic exhibition that juxtaposes works of art with modern interactive devices, immersive rooms, and spectacular set design. Ancient lore is juxtaposed with modern and historical scientific content. Through the exposition of an extraordinary selection of ancient artworks and artefacts, the origins of the myths are illustrated and brought to life and enhanced through background context that tells the compelling stories of the intricate, treacherous hierarchy of the mythical world inhabited by capricious gods and mortal men.
Ott Sarapuu
CEO of Motor OÜ
Motor OÜ
Exhibition on ship burials in Salme village in Saaremaa, Estonia. The exhibition was curated by the Saaremaa Museum. The first presentation was on May 21, 2021 and the exhibition will open in a new location in 2023. About 1,300 years ago, a bloody battle took place in Saaremaa, in which fallen Scandinavian soldiers were buried on the seashore in two ships. This is the oldest burial site of a Viking army in the world, and the only one where fallen warriors are placed together on a ship. While the beginning of the Viking Age is generally considered to be the year 793, the ship burials of Salme Village are direct evidence that Swedish naval soldiers made armed expeditions to the eastern Baltic coast before the end of the 8th century. That is why - Vikings before the Vikings. Curator: Marge Konsa Project managers: Taniel Vares (Saaremaa Museum), Hälys Laanemäe and Ott Sarapuu (Motor OÜ) Exhibition design: KOKO architects (Kadri Kaldam and Raili Paling) Graphic design: Erik Heinpalu (Motor OÜ) Execution of the exhibition: Motor OÜ
Corinne Boungo
Promotion officer
Banquet is an exhibition that speaks to the senses, the mind and the taste buds. It highlights the many pleasures of gastronomy: creating, tasting and sharing. It is a unique opportunity to open up science and team it with culture, arts and society. Banquet arouses curiosity about scientific subjects, such as the phenomena that occur when preparing food. This exhibition offers a friendly and sensory visitor experience on a joyful topic that brings people together. It is presented at the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie until August 2022. It will be available for touring from Fall 2022.
COLOURS is a travelling exhibition created and produced by MuseoScience. It offers a dizzying, sensory, poetic dive into the world of colour. It invites us to question our perception of the world, to examine what we see, but also what others see – and what animals see – so that in the end, we ask ourselves what colour is – and even if it really exists… Games, interactive exhibits and experiments involving sight, but besides that, touch and hearing allow us to explore the effects of colour and their origin. Camouflage strategies in the animal world, and exhibits through to the incredible adventure of blue in human society, including research into materials and techniques to produce ever more nuances of colour, plus the way in which art has benefited from the surprising effects of the interaction between colours – the exhibition will show you these strategies of every hue.
Senior Vice President, Exhibition & Galley Planning
Royal Ontario Museum
The Royal Ontario Museum (Toronto) is excited to showcase its award-winning exhibition, Bloodsuckers: Legends to Leeches. Intersecting the worlds of nature, science, culture and art, Bloodsuckers: Legends to Leeches presents visitors with a one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn about and experience the world of bloodfeeders. With an approach that is conversational, suspenseful, and fun, it takes visitors on a journey that explores bloodfeeding through different perspectives—from their value in ecosystems to the inspiration they have offered cultures across the globe. Leeches, moths, flies, fishes, bats, birds, and more have evolved to take advantage of blood – an abundant resource that sustains over 30,000 species on Earth. How they do this is intricate, diverse, and frankly, quite impressive. Fear of creatures who drink our blood has spawned belief in the undead around the world, be they charming or chilling. But bloodfeeders have inspired us too – from medical treatments to storytelling. This interactive exhibition that includes live specimens has won two major awards. The American Alliance of Museums’ Excellence in Exhibition in 2019 and in 2021 the SEGD Merit Ward for design. The exhibition is 800sm and includes some 100 objects including wet, mounted and taxidermy specimens, cultural objects from the 17th to 20th centuries, digital experiences, models and more.
Chief Executive Officer and Founder SENSORY ODYSSEY
We are a transdisciplinary collective that creates "spectacular-expeditions" : immersive location-based experiences that are designed to generate, through all our senses, a feeling of resonance and belonging with the natural world. Like Alice in the land of Darwin, visitors walk through a 360° giant cinematic installation to immerse themselves in the secret world of flora and fauna, endowed with super-sensory to hear, see, smell and feel nature like never before.
Chief Executive Officer
Stellar Fireworks
The Emir from Poland – a project about Wacław Seweryn Rzewuski: a legendary traveller (19th c.), who was one of the first to visit the Arabian Peninsula and extensively document customs of the desert-dwelling Bedouins. His manuscript is still one of the essential sources of knowledge on the subject. The exhibition aims to bring European and Arab worlds closer, adding a pop-culture flavour to Rzewuski's story.