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Role playing games: a tool for dialogue

Are you scratching your head wondering how will you organise the next dialogue at your institution? It seemed a great idea to bring citizens, scientists and policy makers together to discuss a "hot" scientific discovery, how to make science more gender-inclusive or their city a better place to live…

By now you know that engaging people from different backgrounds and with different agendas in fruitful discussions can be challenging, especially if we want to discuss complex and controversial topics. Uncertainty about the future, pre-conceived ideas, false expectations, fears... These are all obstacles to an open, rich and honest dialogue.

Join our panel of speakers to explore the value and challenge of role playing games (RPG) in sparkling dialogues. And try it yourself: we will help you build a RPG adapted to your own challenge. Get first-hand experience of some of the techniques used in RPG (role playing games), explore and share ideas.


Kate Kneale
Director HKD (Design studio UK)
United Kingdom

Session speakers

Laurent Bontoux
Foresight specialist
European Commission Joint Research Centre
Artist researcher
University of Kent