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Evaluating digital engagement

These last two years of pandemic have led to an exponential increase of online modes of engagement. This has in turn reinforced the need for evaluation of digital projects in science centres and museums, not only as summative assessment but also as a selective or formative action during strategic planning or design. In 2020, the Transformative Museum group created a rubric for the evaluation of digital projects (in Spanish), which was very successful and received widespread praise. We now present this rubric in English for the first time through a workshop in which participants will be able to discuss and apply it to a specific project (real or hypothetical). This free tool can be adapted to any institution’s specific needs and is open to contributions by users and workshop participants.


Assistant Professor, Science Museum Studies
SUNY Oneonta
United States

Session speakers

Project Manager
Head of science exhibition and programmes
CosmoCaixa. "la Caixa" Foundation