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Digital strategies – get everyone on board

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Digital is already everywhere in your organisation. Look at your staff, busy issuing tickets, writing web articles, chatting on social media, updating collection records, mandating digital interactives or simply sending emails around. And you may be tempted to try even more digital activities as new compelling application such as Augmented Reality, portable 3D scanning, could office, etc. are becoming common practices.

This session proposes to look at several organisations that have developed partial or full digital strategies. They will share lessons learnt, tips and tools about their process, from ideation to implementation. They will be reporting on varied outcomes and the challenges and opportunities that have emerged from this process.

In the abundant digital landscape described above, how to choose where to focus your ambition and capitalise on an approach that will work for your organisation?

How to benefit fully from your entreprise, as digital literacy does not only provide ways to reach your audience, but also brings new tools, processes and data that will help you understand how your audience really engage with your offer?


Directrice des Editions et Transmédia - Digital director

Session speakers

Picture of Dave Patten
Head of New Media
United Kingdom
Creating space for innovation within a museum’s digital strategy: In a field where the pace of change is fast, making sure you have space to experiment and innovate is essential. Embedding this in your digital strategy means it has to happen. Learn how the Science Museum approached this and how we got institutional buy in to make it a reality.
Director, Lascaux III project
Embrace digital to strengthen your relationship with visitors. Digital needs to serve your organisation’s overall mission. Choosing appropriate solutions means a better chance at understanding and responding to your visitors’ needs. Lascaux has embedded digital throughout their visitor journey including pre and post visit. Find out which guiding principles were followed to bring this ambition to fruition.
Director Louver Lens Vallée
Explore new opportunities in partnership with digital Incubator: Digital brings new networked and participatory usages. But it can be difficult, when absorbed in day to day activities, to take a step back and consider how those could be implemented in your organisation. Louvre Lense Vallée seeks technical partners to bring the best of those emerging values to our cultural institutions.
Exhibitions and Interpretation Manager
The Natural History Museum
United Kingdom
Last minute addition; the example of the Natural History Museum in London.