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Designing new tinkering activities: the process

In this session we will dive into the process of designing new tinkering activities. We will explore and play around with prototype activities from large scale outdoors activities to frugal but still high tech workshops. Through these diverse examples that represent different stages of development, participants will gain an understanding of the steps for creating and improving tinkering activities for different audiences and contexts. Where do new ideas originate? How do we choose the right materials? What partnership can we build with other stakeholders or communities? How to design activities to be engaging, collaborative, and deep? Together we will discuss, reflect and give shape to new activities that you might see soon, for real, in different science centres around the world.


Consultant and trainer

Session speakers

Founder and Director of AlElieh for Science Environment and Art Science and Maker Educator / consultant
AlElieh for Science Environment and Art
East Jerusalem
Palestinian Territory
Makerspace educator
Norsk Teknisk Museum