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Call for partners

Call for partners for a European research project about Sound in Museums

The project seeks to examine museumgoers' experience of sound-based multimodal exhibitions. This means that the main requirement of museums joining the research project have an exhibition, permanent or temporary, which comprises a sonic layer in any possible form: such as using sound as a tool for lecturing, as a medium with which to build an ambiance/soundtrack for art and science exhibitions, as an artefact to exemplify a given phenomenon, behaviour or musical practice, as a medium for building art installations, or as the material for crowd-curation practices developed online.

The term crowd-curation refers to a set of practices which rely on a combination of social media like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and sound-based platforms like YouTube, SoundCloud, Spotify and Clubhouse. Typically, these practices entail a predisposition to collaboratively curate an exhibition or museum activity. Practices vary from participatory sound archives to digital-native museums dedicated to sound, from sound maps, online sound exhibitions and collaborative playlists to sound walks and audio tours that extend the museum outside its walls.

Methods to be used are qualitative and quantitative. In detail: to conduct empirical work by in deeply interviewing museumgoers to exhibitions; and to collect neurofeedback and biofeedback data, namely by collecting measures of museumgoers’ Emotional Valence through EEG (data will be collected by equipping museumgoers with a validated medical headset with 19 channels) and measures of museumgoers’ emotional arousal through Electro Dermal Activity.

Museums located in the European Union are welcome to join the project, which is applying to the “HORIZON-CL2-2021-HERITAGE-01-03: Cultural and creative industries as a driver of innovation and competitiveness” and would be 100% financed if successful.

Contact person

Alcina Cortez, Curator, music and museum researcher and consultant

Email: alcinamariacortez@gmail.com

Phone: 00351 96 230 29 32

Please contact before 7 September.



  • call for partners
  • sound