fbpx Organise a European Space Talk, share our passion for Space | Ecsite

Organise a European Space Talk, share our passion for Space

European Space Talks logo

Join a new initiative that brings together professionals, researchers and enthusiasts to present their latest research, activities or interest in Space with the general public.

This November the Ecsite Space Group, together with the European Space Agency - ESA, invites you to host a European Space Talk and share with the world our passion for Space.

No venue or subject is too small and a central website will give your Space event visibility at the European and international levels. And if you’re still looking for inspiration, two comprehensive resource kits from the Ecsite Space Group - Hook up with Rosetta and the International Space Station: Liking and Working in Space - are available for all interested institutions.

Register your European Space Talk.

All you need to know is available on the Space Talks website.


  • #ecsitespace
  • #SpaceTalks
  • ESA
  • Space
  • space group


Thematic group

The Space Group

The Space Group improves and extends communication about space science by helping science centres, space professionals and non-specialists to develop collaborative projects and events.