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Mechelen Declaration: Public engagement for a better world

  • March 2014
  • Ecsite corporate documents
  • Book or article

Ecsite was one of the eight science centres networks to sign the Mechelen Declaration at the Science Center World Summit in Mechelen (Belgium) on 19 March 2014.

The Mechelen Declaration underlines science centres' changing role: beyond the traditional hands-on exploration of scientific phenomena, many are now engagging their audiences in the dialogues that address global challenges, and equipping them to become active players within their communities – thereby helping to achieve the current Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations, and the Sustainable Development Goals to be launched in 2015. Download the declaration below.

At the convening of the second Science Centre World Summit (SCWS2017) on 15-17 November, 2017 in Tokyo, Japan, parties recognised the importance of applying the principles of the Mechelen Declaration more precisely to strengthening public engagement in global sustainability. The Tokyo Protocol outlines a set of nine actions on the role of science centres and science museums worldwide in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Public resource


  • position paper
  • Science Centre World Congress