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The Blue Book by Copernicus Marine Service

  • November 2019
  • Education & learning
  • EU and governance
  • Book or article
  • Report

The Blue Book

The Blue Book “Copernicus for a Sustainable Ocean” is a report published by Mercator Ocean International for the Copernicus Marine Service designed to inform European citizens, ranging from policy-makers to students, about the Copernicus Marine Service's role in the Blue Economy, as well as stimulating sustainable development. Among its contributors are decision-makers, entrepreneurs, experts, concerned citizens, and scientists from all over the world that are directly involved in ocean-related issues.

The book shares factual information on current impacts on the global ecosystem, particularly oceans, and highlights how they will bring consequences to climate, biodiversity and stability. At the same time, it explains how those consequences can be mitigated using data from the Copernicus Marine Service. Page by page, it scrutinises the benefits of environmentally friendly policies and proposals, and how the Service helps to fight all the issues currently afflicting the world's oceans.

Ecsite's Participation

It is with great pride that Ecsite informs its readers it contributed to the production and conception of the Blue Blook. On page 117 you will find a piece by our own Executive Director, Catherine Franche, proving once again our commitment to a higher Ocean Literacy as well as an overall push towards a better understading of the environmental problems our world faces, and how we can solve them.

Visit Copernicus' own website and download a PDF copy of The Blue Book.


  • european commission
  • Ocean literacy
  • environment
  • sustainable development