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RRI Toolkit is waiting for your resources!

RRI Tools External Experts Meeting: Shaping the RRI Toolkit Photo Credit: Reimar Ott

It has already been more than one month since the RRI Toolkit had been launched. Its aim is to encourage the uptake of research and innovation processes better answering the needs and expectations of society. It already contains 400+ online resources from all over Europe to help stakeholders (researchers, policy-makers, industry and business, civil society organizations, education community) put Responsible Research and Innovation into practice. It addresses topics such as open access, gender equality, ethics, science education, governance, public engagement.

The first 350 resources in the Toolkit have been selected by the RRI Tools members with the collaboration of their partners in Europe. The RRI Toolkit being participatory, it is now open to the community such that everyone can upload and showcase its own practices. We invite you to take a couple of minutes to create an account on the platform and upload your resources, projects, and best practices. The resources are classified into the four following categories: projects, good practices, library elements, and tools. Before uploading your resource, you can browse here through various examples like the PULSE project, the Xplore Health inspiring practice, report on the economic impact of science centres on their local communities, or tool about evaluating public engagement activities, and see the kind of information expected.

By joining the Community of Practice, you will get a unique opportunity to increase the visibility of your resource among the stakeholders involved in research and innovation all over Europe. You will also be able to participate in the discussion forum and share views with other practitioners.

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