fbpx Pilots project launches survey on the role of explainers | Ecsite

Pilots project launches survey on the role of explainers

The Pilots project today launched its European survey on the status, the roles, the activities and the training needs of explainers. As part of the Pilots project, Ecsite and the project consortium are gathering data in order to produce research on these areas. This survey aims to investigate the profile, roles and training practices of explainers in museums and science centres in order to identify their training needs. It represents an significant output of the Pilots project, in a field not sufficiently investigated. It will provide theoretical elements for reflection and practical indicators in order to produce more effective outcomes out of this and future projects. This research is coordinated in the Pilots project by Anne-Lise Mathieu and Olivier Richard at La Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, Paris, France.

Please find below the link to the Pilots survey. We invite all Ecsite member institutions to fill in the questionnaire, and circulate the link to their explainers. We will publish the results later in the year.

Please click on the link to the survey according to your job description:

Pilots survey for managers (CEOs, directors, heads of education, heads of explainers, etc)

For more information about Pilots, and to join the Pilots Hub, our online community for explainers, visit the Pilots website at www.thepilots.eu.

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