fbpx Microgrants for local dialogue activities: call now closed | Ecsite

Microgrants for local dialogue activities: call now closed

Ecsite, the European network of science centers and museums (www.ecsite.eu) is making available 15 subsidies (up to € 2 500 each) to promote local, city-based collaborative initiatives on dialogue and science engagement. 36 applications were submitted by local administrations, science centres and museums, associations, NGOs, institutions and individuals. The subsidies are part of the FUND project – a European funded initiative to encourage collaborations and networks at city level to create dialogue and engagement activities with science.

The requirements for a grant are simple: applicants propose an activity which builds and innovates on the “PlayDecide” format (in terms of structure, content, method or delivery – more information can be found on www.playdecide.eu ) and that stimulates existing or new collaborations and networks at the city level. The objective therefore is not so much to develop an event, but rather to show how that event can catalyse a new collaboration between local players where dialogue is central. The subsidies are relatively small so it’s important to be creative and efficient, and think of it like “seed money” rather than as a grant. The role of the applicant is therefore that of a “broker” that connects local networks and organisations, and leverages on the new connections set in place with the help of the grant.

More information about the project can be found at www.playdecide.eu

The closing date to apply was 15 March 2010.