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Let’s talk and share on LinkedIn

To promote the sharing of ideas, experiences, contacts, etc. several Ecsite LinkedIn groups have been created:

Traveling exhibitions: A place to discuss anything related to traveling exhibitions touring science centres and museums in Europe.

Social media: A group to discuss social media use and impact among science centres and museums.

Scicom Dreams: museums and science centres of the future: A group to share our wildest dreams for sciences centres and museums

These three groups are sub-groups of the general Science centres and museums in Europe. You must first request membership in this group before accessing the sub-groups listed above.

Ecsite LinkedIn group – Science centres and museums in Europe.

A group has also been created for the REV thematic group REV: Research and Evaluation Thematic Group, Ecsite : The aim of REV is to stimulate and help facilitate research and evaluation in science centres and museums across Europe.

We encourage you to become members of these groups to facilitate discussions all year long, to share contacts, ideas and experiences, to promote collaborations…