fbpx Job: Post-Doctoral Researcher | Ecsite

Job: Post-Doctoral Researcher

The Center for Community and Citizen Science (CCS) is seeking an accomplished science education researcher to be the lead U.S. research coordinator for its LEARN CitSci Project (Learning and Environmental science Agency Research Network for Citizen Science), a large-scale international research collaboration of universities and natural history museums, which is one of five Science Learning + awards funded jointly by the National Science Foundation, Wellcome, and the UK Economic and Social Research Council.

The Post-Doctoral Researcher will join a team of museum practitioners and education researchers in California and the United Kingdom, all focused on how youth learn when engaged in citizen science led by natural history museums. The Post-Doctoral Researcher will also be an important member of the growing community of faculty, staff, and students that make up the Center for Community and Citizen Science at UC Davis, and will have the opportunity to play a key role in shaping the education research activities of the Center into the future.

The position is renewable annually with funding for approximately 3 years for the Youth-focused NHM-led Citizen Science project, with the possibility of extension pending further funding.

More information. Apply by 30 June


  • job
  • Center for Community and Citizen Science
  • University of California