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Job: Director at SGL

Science Gallery London (SGL) is King’s flagship, public-facing facility connecting art, health and science in the heart of the city. In 2022, King’s will relaunch SGL, drawing on the learnings of the first two years of operations and the opportunity for reflection offered by the temporary closure through the pandemic.

Reimagined as King’s interdisciplinary hub for discovery in art, health and science, with a focus on young adults, SGL will deliver on Vision 2029’s ambitions for distinctive learning, research with purpose and engagement with local, national and international communities. SGL will be more than a gallery, working in partnership to explore complex challenges and foster innovation, collaboration and inclusion.

Part of the Science Gallery Global Network, Science Gallery London will provide:

• A hub for discovery, learning, exchange and equality; bringing together creative practice, lived experience and academic research for social impact

• A live lab for experimentation, co-creation and making

• A gallery that explores 21st century concerns through cross-disciplinary collaboration

King’s is seeking an experienced leader for this exciting new phase of Science Gallery London’s evolution, delivering King’s ambitions for the space and realising the potential for SGL to succeed as an inclusive, future-focused facility for innovative art-science collaborations. They will understand and be excited by the potential for Science Gallery London within the context of a world leading university; enriching the social and intellectual life of our students and communities and developing skills, resilience and creativity.

For detailed information and to apply, please visit the Science Gallery's dedicated page. Closing date: 30 September 2021. Contact details: Beatrice Pembroke, Beatrice.Pembroke@kcl.ac.uk; Daniel Walker, Daniel.Walker@kcl.ac.uk.


  • job
  • UK
  • Science Gallery London