fbpx Ecsite Thematic Group for Research and Evaluation (REV) New deadline for survey | Ecsite

Ecsite Thematic Group for Research and Evaluation (REV) New deadline for survey

We are delighted to announce that on Dec. 2nd the proposal for a new Ecsite Thematic group : REV (Thematic Group for Research and Evaluation) was accepted by the Ecsite Board.

Holly Hasted and Anne Kahr are the ones that took the lead to follow up a conversation that began in Dortmund during the Ecsite 2010 Conference. It was a conversation about the need for a Thematic Group focussing on Evaluation and Research within the Ecsite Network.

The group will officially be launched during the Evaluation Pre-Conference Session in Warsaw. The original REV memo can be downloaded from the Ecsite website: http://www.ecsite.eu/activities_and_resources/thematic_groups/rev-thematic-group-research-and-evaluation

We hope you feel as excited by the potential for this group as we are!

Right now we are keen to gather comments and ideas from Ecsite members that will ultimately guide the group and its launch. In the spirit of evaluation, (and to make this process as manageable and as inclusive as possible!) we have created a quick survey.

To get involved or to give us your suggestions please follow this link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ecsite_rev

We ask that you please complete the survey by January 15th, 2011

We look forward to seeing you in Warsaw!


  • thematic group


Thematic group